Our History Matters

‘Past and Present’ is a project that will celebrate the vibrant, rich history of our music facility. The relationship of Music House and the heritages of our diverse, local communities will be explored through the universal theme of music.

Getting the project off to a flying start, Joe Williams, founder of Heritage Corner will lead a heritage walk on Saturday 21 September. Meeting at The Parkinson Building, Leeds Univeristy, and finishing at Music House… taking in the landmarks and cultural heritage that isn’t widely known. 

Secure your place for the heritage walk here 

The walk will lead to the creation of a local heritage group that will meet twice a month (Thursday’s 6:30pm – 8:00pm) until March 2025 (at the very least).  At these meetings, Joe will share his research, and together, the  group will uncover common themes; co-curate a photographic exhibition and digital collection.

Music House Creative Director, Christella Litras and Seki Lynch will work with the group to create three songs that respond to the heritage research and to celebrate our heritage of community and music.

We invite you to be a part of ‘Past and Present’. Simply secure you place and actively commit to being involved with this wonderful, organic project.

This is a FREE community project.