The far right racist, violent attacks that have taken place across the UK are frightening and deeply distressing.

Equality, diversity and inclusivity are at the core of everything we stand for at Music House, and we absolutely condemn extremist groups who seek to destabilise our society and prey on people because of skin colour, race, gender identity, ethnicity or disability. We particularly abhor attacks on people who have come to this country to escape persecution and danger in their own lands, only to find that a tiny minority of racist thugs mean them harm here.

We applaud and identify with those thousands of ordinary people who have taken to the streets to resist these extremists, and to protect our society and the people in it. That is what this country is really about. We are very proud of the multi-cultural, rich diversity that makes up the fabric of our great City of Leeds.

Hate has no place in our communities and we welcome the response of the Judicial System and the speed at which all of this has taken place.

We stand with those people in our communities who are fighting racism and prejudice, and offer them our full support.